Writerpatrick's Blog

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dimes To Dollars on YouTube.

It's been a while since I posted anything but I'm now getting things going with a Dimes to Dollars YouTube page. I'm still getting things set up but hope to get some posts up soon.

Dimes to Dollars focuses mainly on the wise use of limited funds, with the main focus being on dollar store product reviews. I've posted a few Dollar Store reviews in the past but it's easier to talk about something if you can show it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Podcast Ping Special - A Pickle For Chirstmas

This project was created by the community at Podcast Pickle (http://podcastpickle.com). It's a group recording of a poem I wrote. I wound up putting more into it than I expected, but that was because we lacked a producer. And a good writer doesn't give up easily.

And it is a good poem.


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Monday, November 12, 2007

John McCrae Tribute

I forgot to mention the John McCrae tribute I had available for use by anyone here. I did use it in Podcast Ping.


Remember to check out my other podcasts. I have an idea for something I could do with this one but it will be a while.

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Podcasting Promo

A promo for podcasting.


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Sunday, September 23, 2007

New episode of The Silent Pen

The next episode of The Silent Pen is up. I've posted a new Podcast Ping today as well.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Silent Pen 1

The premiere episode deals with poetry and is also available at the new website, thesilentpen.blogspot.com. I will be discontunuing The Would Be Writer in favor of this new one. I may keep this site for odds and ends, although I've been using Podcast Ping for those, but now that I'm establishing a proper format for Podcast Ping this site would be useful.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Silent Pen

I've redeveloping this podcast under a new name, The Silent Pen. You will find it at thesilentpen.blogspot.com. The problem with The Would Be Writer is that it would sometimes show up in directories as Writerpatrick's Blog, making it hard to find. The new name should correct that.

I'm also going to change the podcast a little. I haven't a new show yet but hope to soon.

I'm still developing http://podcastping.blogspot.com and will continue to do so.